Friday, March 11, 2011

100 Blessings in 10 Days

EVERYday is a blessing and I find myself often forgetting some of the smaller things that, at times, I take for granted. Don't you think we all forget, at least some of the time, the things that we are SO fortunate to have, to be blessed with? I know that some of us are better than others at remembering or showing our appreciation, but what if we all took time to write out 10 blessings each day for 10 days...could we find a small piece of added happiness in that day? I think we might! I thought it'd be nice to come up with 100 BLESSINGS in 10 days...10 a day, so here are mine....

1 - E&K got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed teeth & arrived at school on time.
2 - Arrived early to 9:45am appointment this morning.
3 - Treatment was ran over 30 minutes, instead of the 1 1/2 hours that we are quite certain it was ran over last time.
4 - Weather was BEAUTIFUL again.
5 - A&S (my two sweet puppies) were able to play outside for MOST all of the day today.
6 - Arrived right on time to lunch appointment.
7 - Lunch appointment went super good, LOVED Alicia!
8 - Had time to spare after lunch appointment to get a few things done around the house before picking E&K up from school.
9 - E&K were able to play soccer outside after school with their friends.
10 - E&K were able to enjoy some play time outside at home too!

11 - E&K's cribs found a new & good home with another family.
12 - E&K stayed up a little late tonight and went to bed like BIG girls.
13 - Managed to make it to the gym for 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill.

Had a couple of other blessings that I couldn't leave out & so many more that I hope to share in the days to come. Post a comment with your daily blessings too, we'd love to know what you're blessed with...


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