Tuesday, November 1, 2011

100 More Blessings....

Earlier this year I challenged myself to come up with 100 blessings in 10 days and it seems appropriate to make this challenge once again. And since it's been awhile since I've taken the time to count my blessings, I thought I'd start to countin'.......

1 - K felt well enough to go back to school this morning.
2 - We managed to get K to school (and a morning bath) on time this morning and NO sickness in the car.
3 - E & Mommy are having special a day at home together.
4 - Received a $120 online donation last night for my 3-Day for the Cure walk.
5 - E is starting to feel better & is looking forward to returning to school tomorrow.
6 - GREAT friends who check in on E&K and I to make sure everyone is still in one piece. ;-)
7 - Having "down" time at home to relax while E is cuddled up on the couch.
8 - Catching up on the "sick" laundry we accumulated yesterday.
9 - Blisters on my feet are beginning to heal.

Will be back again with more blessings!!

MUCH love,

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